Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed

 Genesis 2: 8


Reading: Genesis 1: 27-Genesis 2: 8

We’ve just spent a full month studying the Creation and now the story progresses from Genesis 1 to Genesis 2. In Genesis 2 we discover what all God's creating activity has been about. God has been creating with purpose. He hasn’t been making the Creation in a vacuum or just because He felt like seeing a beautiful Earth out there in space.

He’s been making a home for us. For humanity.

He made the Earth with so much love, in much the same way as parents prepare a special nursery or room corner for the expected baby. Adam is coming! Adam is coming! Eve is coming! Eve is coming! Let’s get everything ready.

Next time you look up at the sky, see it as God’s loving banner over you. Next time you look down at the ground, see it as God’s solid, fertile foundation under you. Next time you glance at a copse of trees, remember that God made them as shady shelters and breathing lungs – to sustain your life on Earth. Next time you see a rose, stop and smell it. It will bless God’s heart to see you enjoy the world He made for you. Believe in God’s perfect love and care.

As humanity, we must respect and appreciate the home that God made for us by stewarding every aspect of Nature. That is one way in which we can return love to His great heart.


Father, thank You for this beautiful planet that You made with such love.

For the family


Go outside with the children and show them how the Creation that God made was all for them. Discuss things like the sky being the beautiful roof that God made for them – talk about all the things you see around you.


While you’re out there, collect some items with which to do one or more of these Nature crafts.

Various nature crafts