“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

Luke 2:17-19

Extra readings: Luke 2: 8-18

Have you ever seen an angel? Few people have. Maybe you've met someone who has. How would you respond if someone told you that they met an angel who gave them a phenomenal message? What if the person who told you this was a low and dirty person with no social standing?

Luke tells us that when the shepherds told people about the angels message they were amazed, they marvelled, they wondered. Did they believe the message? Luke doesn't tell us, there certainly is no evidence of it.

Mary stands in stark contrast to this group of people. She treasures the word of God in her heart and often ponders on it. Of course you can argue that you would also do this if you had received the word directly from an angel. But what more is an angel than God's messenger? It would be a very special and amazing experience to meet an angel, but what do you do with the messengers of God that you do meet in your life?

Are you able to receive the word of the Lord from someone who is not grand and majestic and Heavenly, but very, very human?


God, thank You for Your word. Thank You that you still send Your word, even through very human humans. Today I decide to receive Your word, and I avail myself to be someone who brings Your word to others.

Do this devotional as a family

1. Prepare by arranging for a family member to send you a message on Whats App – some news.
2. Begin by reading out the message aloud, then ask each member of the family ‘Do you believe this message?’.
3. Discuss today’s devotional. How important it is to believe the messages that God sends. Discuss the different ways in which God sends His messages. Yes, angels but also the Bible, human preachers etc.
4. Finish by praying and blessing each child, then allow them to open their Day 19 Advent Calendar.