And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil..

Genesis 2: 16, 17

Reading: Deuteronomy 18: 15; Acts 3: 22

In our main reading for today, we see that even before God created Eve as a help meet for Adam, He gave His Word, His instructions, to Adam. Having received the Word of the Lord, Adam was expected to speak it to his wife and the children that they would have together. This position of proclaiming God’s Word and calling God’s people to hear and obey is the work of a prophet. 

An Old Testament prophet was not merely someone who predicted the future. The Old Testament prophet received the promises of God and communicated them to His people in order to encourage, instruct, and exhort them to be faithful to Him. This role was vital for the people of God living in a fallen world where their own hearts were prone to wander to idolatry and paganism. The role of the prophet is key.

Noah was a prophet. Abraham was a prophet. Moses was called a prophet. And of course we know of the many other prophets of the Old Testament and the New Testament. We know that Moses told the people that God would raise up another prophet, like him, from amongst them. In Acts 3, Peter tells us that Jesus is that Prophet whom Moses anticipated.

But what of you and I, and our redeemed humanity? Today we need to consider that being in the image of God means that we will live in obedience to God's Word - and proclaim it to others.  It is sub-human to live in rebellion to God’s Word.


Lord, help me to lift my gaze to see the true dignity and glory of humanity as You intended us to be.

For the family


Watch this video together and discuss the ways in which each member could be a prophet for God today.
