Reading: Romans 3: 21 – Romans 5: 21; Colossians 2
But it doesn’t stop there. Amazingly, the Easter story has a greater significance for us than the forgiveness of our sins.
The forgiveness of our sins – past, present and future – has resulted in us being justified before God and declared righteous. This, in turn, has won for us eternal life. All those who put their faith in Christ have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. One day, when he returns again, we will be snatched up to be with him forever.
Have you truly allowed the wonderful truth that you have ‘peace with God’ to establish your heart?
Thanks be to you God for Your wonderful plan of salvation, which you put into place long before I was even born or had even committed one sin. I am so blessed. Help me to remember this every day so that my joy can overflow.
For the family
During this month, watch Season 1 of The Chosen together