Thus Noah did; according to all that God had commanded him, so he did” Genesis 6: 22


Reading: Matthew 6: 8

If someone was recording your life to appear forever in the Scriptures, would that person be able to say of you, as was said of Noah, "according to all that God commanded him/her, so he/she did"?

We said yesterday that obedience doesn't suddenly spring out of your heart IN the crisis moment. When God speaks to you and asks something supremely difficult of you, obedience will not be your first response - unless, like Noah, you have set your mind to know God and walk with Him. 

Our reading for today may seem at odds with the story of Noah - “Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” - but it is not. If your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him, then why should you ask? 

So that you may get to know Him. 

Spend your life on two related things - getting to know God's Word and getting to know God as Person. 

Your Father knows what you need and has already made provision for it but presumption is not faith. Don't presume on the Lord's goodness to you, come in faith and joy and thanksgiving before Him, bringing your requests with you. Why? Because seeing how God answers your prayers is the greatest adventure of all. During this adventure you will not just have your needs met, you will get to know your God and His ever-creative, always-astounding ways. 

Don't ever think you are 'bothering' God with silly requests. He is God after all, the Almighty, the Everlasting. All of Himself is entirely at your disposal all of the time. There is nothing too big that He cannot handle it and nothing too small that He cannot value it. In fact, it is the details where God's majesty reveals itself the most clearly. 

When you spend your life on getting to know God and His Word, when the day of testing comes, obedience will be possible for you. Your trust in the One who is asking the 'impossible' of you will cause you to be able to say 'your will be done'. 


Show me the spaces and times in my day where I can spend time with You and Your Word. Help me to tremble before Your Word and to submit myself to You at all times. 

For the family


Time to take out those baby pictures again! Show each child their baby picture and ask "Where were Mom and Dad when this picture was taken"? Help them to see that you were always there, before they were born and after. They were literally born into an existing family. And as they opened their eyes and smiled for the first time, they started getting to know you. 


Explain that it's the same with God. Before they were born, God was there. There was never a time that the Lord was not there. But now He wants them, all of us, to get to know Him. How can we do that? Discuss this together.