“What this woman has done will also be told...”
Matthew 26: 13

Reading:   Matthew 26: 1 - 16

Jesus’ followers: the singled out one

How do you express your love for someone? How do you express your love for Jesus? This woman, unnamed in the Synoptic gospels but identified in John’s gospel as Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, took the most precious thing she had and poured it out upon him. 

Jesus immediately perceived that the Father was speaking to him – about his forthcoming burial. Can you truly say you love another until you are willing to sacrifice yourself for them?

Easter is all about sacrificial love. 


Lord, this is perhaps the most challenging aspect of being your follower – knowing that you expect me to walk the same road that you did, that Mary did. I want this too. I want to go all the way for, and with, you.

For the family

During this month, watch Season 1 of The Chosen together

The Chosen Season 1