“this cup is the New Covenant in my blood” 
Luke 22: 20 

Reading:  Jeremiah 31: 31;Matthew 26: 17 - 30; Matthew 27: 27 – 66;Hebrews 12: 1, 2

Jesus: the sacrificial lamb

It has become known as the Last Supper. During this solemn Passover gathering Jesus revealed his true identity...he is the true sacrifice for sin, the true Paschal lamb. 

What did the disciples think when he shared the cup of wine with them, a prophetic symbol of his own blood, and declared that the New Covenant spoken of by the prophet Jeremiah, would be ratified in his own blood? His Jewish hearers knew something that Gentile believers tend to forget – without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sins. 

See yourself at that supper table. Picture yourself sharing that cup with Jesus. He is the only one ordained by God to be your saviour. Accept his sacrifice. Dry your tears. Live for him.


Lord, I hate to think that you had to die on the cross because of my sins...but I have to accept that truth about myself. Today I choose to step out of my old life and into the new one you purchased for me. Thank you.

For the family

During this month, watch Season 1 of The Chosen together

The Chosen Season 1