Reading: Matthew 26: 31-56
Jesus: the obedient Son
Having considered the role of the Father, it is only fitting now to turn our attention to the Son. Jesus, the fulcrum around which the Easter story turns, is not only a picture of compassion and sacrificial love; he also shows us what it means to trust and obey God.
He is human, not robotic, when he wrestles with his own reluctance to face what must surely come his way. Could there not be another way, Father? But finally, when the Father reveals that there can be no other way to save mankind, the obedient Son submits to His Father’s will, knowing that the Father is good, all the time.
It’s easy to trust and obey God when the things He is asking of us are easy to do. But what about the day He requires something from you that is going to cost you dearly and hurt you deeply? That’s the day you turn to Matthew 26 and draw strength from Jesus.
Father, I admit; it scares me to think that some evil is so entrenched that you may require some great sacrifice from me to shift it. It scares me because I know I could never refuse You anything. Strengthen me when and if that day comes.
For the family
During this month, watch Season 1 of The Chosen together