He is the true God and eternal life.
1 John 5: 20

Reading: 1 John 5:20 

We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son

Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
Oh what a triumphant and spectacular passage of Scripture this is, rolling
off the pen of Jesus’ beloved disciple. It’s always a blessing hearing from
him because he is so devoted and convinced. That is why he starts this
passage by saying “we know”. How different this is from many Christians
who may say “we believe”, “we hope”, “we are inclined to think”. John
says “we KNOW.” He includes you and I in that certainty – so let’s live up
to it.
What is it that we know? We know that the Son of God has come. The
incarnation is certain. Jesus has come in the flesh and has died on the
cross for our salvation. We also know that the Son of God has come and
given us understanding so that we can know God. Wow! How amazing
that Jesus continues to work out his salvation in our lives. And there’s
more. We also know that we are dwelling with God and He with us.
These three things -the coming of Christ, the knowledge of God which
flows into a believing heart through that Incarnate Son, and the dwelling
in God which is the climax of all His gifts to us - these three things are in
John’s estimation not matters of opinion but of certain knowledge. Bear in
mind that the apostle is writing mostly to believers who had not been
born when Jesus was upon the earth. Like us, they had no other
acquaintance with Jesus than we do. Yet, he still says “WE know.” He
includes you and I in that certainty – so let’s live up to it.
He crowns this beautiful passage with the simple words “He is the true
God and eternal life.” Today you can rest in the conviction of Jesus’
closest friend on Earth.



Lord, thank You for the convinced-ness of those who know you best.

For the family

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John the Beloved