Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you

Welcome to Day 4 of Foundation Stones in a Year. Today we’re going to continue building a foundation of understanding for the rest of our studies this year. Please refer again to page 2 of your Foundation Stones Workbook. Here we read some more important information pertaining to the 7 foundational truths.
Foundation Stones has been designed to help you find these truths in the Bible and then, make them part of daily living. These foundational truths will cement and stabilize the rest of your Christian life and provide an unshakeable platform for further growth in your walk with Christ.
This is what you have to look forward to as we go through the rest of the year. Firstly, finding these truths in the Bible – through the Old and New Testaments – is an incredibly powerful faith-building exercise. As you give yourself to this practice in 2022, without you even realising it, your faith will grow and deepen.
Secondly, by following the advice and the pastoral application that will be offered with each month’s study, each foundational doctrine will become a life-changing, transformative truth that will impact your life.
Finally, you will notice a subtle firmness under the feet of your faith. What’s going on in the world, what other Christians are saying and doing – these things will not affect you as they did before.
Tomorrow we’ll begin our in-depth study of the first foundational truth, Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone. Why don’t you prepare your heart for what’s coming by reading through Zechariah 9 this evening?
Thank you Lord for the life-changing year that lies ahead of me – not dramatic, dazzling change but slow, steady, unyielding change.