“He said to me, “Son of man, stand up on your feet and I will speak to you.”

Ezekiel 2: 2

Reading: Ezekiel 1: 4 – 2: 8; Ezekiel 12

It’s natural to think that the people who were carried away to Exile were the ones most severely punished, and the ones who remained behind in the land were the ones through whom the Lord would rebuild His nation. Actually, the opposite is true. 

Nowhere do we see this more clearly depicted than in the life and ministry of Ezekiel. 

There were two great prophets called by God in this time – Jeremiah, who remained behind in the land and who was horribly treated by the leaders there – and Ezekiel, who was taken to Babylon in the second deportation period. Daniel was another great figure used by the Lord at this time. 

Ezekiel came from a priestly family and was a man of learning and intellect. He was 18 years old when the first deportation happened. Before he could step into his priestly duties (this happened at age 30), the second deportation occurred and Ezekiel found himself a young, married man living in reasonable comfort in Babylon. That is, until he experienced a life-changing theophany on the banks of the Chebar River in Babylon (read all about it in today’s reading). This was his calling. His message was the same as Jeremiah’s – there is no escaping this judgment, Jerusalem will fall. 

And indeed, it did. In 586 BC. From then onwards, Ezekiel was told to minister hope and restoration to his brothers in exile – and he began to understand that here, in exile, and not back in Judah, the Lord was busy forging a new nation for Himself. How true it is that the Lord’s ways are not our ways – always be ready to submit yourself to His incredible wisdom. 


Lord, am I still deeply submitted to Your call on my life? Please show me.


Watch this video about Ezekiel and show how he was prominent at this time.