Reading: 2 Kings 9
Today’s devotion looks at Jehu King of Israel, the instrument of the LORD’s vengeance against Ahab’s family line and against Jezebel. The LORD raised up Jehu to take revenge on Ahab and his sons for the death of Naboth and his sons. The LORD had promised to punish Ahab in Naboth’s plot of land. An interesting phrase comes up in this passage “according to the word of the Lord”.
Nothing that the LORD promises to do ever fails. His word is His solemn oath. It may take many years, even generations, but it is sure to take place. Even the death of Jezebel is recorded with the following words, “This is the word of the Lord, which He spoke by His servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, ‘On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel’”. It happened just as the LORD had promised. Jezebel was refused burial as an act of dishonour. All her Baal worship had made her unclean. It was fitting then that she be eaten by unclean dogs.
Jehu was involved in the slaying of both Joram King of Israel and Ahaziah King of Judah. Fortunately, the LORD remembered His promise to David and kept that family line alive, unlike Ahab’s family line. This happened because of the Covenant God made with David that one of his descendants would reign upon God’s throne forever.
Dear God, Your word is the surest hope we have in life. Thank You that You keep Your promises.
For the family
Continue encouraging your kids to listen to God and practice this together as a family. Here are some more ways in which God speaks today.
- Through and in, the normal, or abnormal, circumstances of life.
God spoke to Jonah through circumstances—first, being swallowed by a great fish, and second when a vine grew up to shade Jonah, and then the vine withered (Jonah 1–4).
3. Physical or emotional sensations
4. Occasionally in an audible voice or a virtually audible voice 5. Further ways
Further ways through which God speaks are fleeces, trances, open visions, angelic visitations, experiences, nature, and many more in His creativity. Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
God uses some rather unusual things to get peoples attention, and to speak to them.
God used a burning bush with Moses. Ex 3
2. God used a donkey to speak to Balaam. Num 22 3. God used a rooster to preach a sermon to Peter.