Reading: Romans 5:12-21; Galatians 5:16-26
So often in reading the gospel accounts of Jesus’ ministry one becomes aware of how many sick people were brought to Jesus; people sick in body, soul and spirit. Notice that the Bible says that he had compassion on them.
How beautiful to know that God sent His Son, and His Son came, not in an attitude of judgmentalism and contempt – but in a spirit of compassion. Well, you may say, sickness is not sin. But sickness is the physical evidence that we were all touched by sin, in one way or another. It is evil, it is defilement. Yet, Christ reached out to the defiled ones with compassion, not loathing.
One of the primary reasons why God came in the flesh was to touch us, to lay hands on us, to set us free from sin and the effects that sin has on our lives such as sickness, mental disturbance, demonic possession and death.
Is there some area in your life that you are still struggling with? Say a simple prayer, ask for help, trusting that Jesus has already paid the price.
Dear Lord Jesus, please set me free from where I am held captive.
For the family
Find a suitable healing testimony on YouTube to share with your children.