I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Matthew 3: 11

Reading: Matthew 3: 9-12; Acts 2

Hopefully the baptism in fire is starting to make a lot more sense to you now. 

John the Baptist told us that Jesus, the Son of God, would not baptise his people only with the symbol of water, but also with the Holy Spirit – and with fire. 

Now, many have taken this fire reference to suggest Jesus’ end time judgement, when the disobedient will be thrown into the lake of fire. And certainly, fire, the fire of the Lord, does represent judgment. But this baptism of fire is actually something for a believer to welcome. 

It’s something that the Lord Himself simply, unilaterally, decides to do at times – but it is also something that you can ask Him for. The early Church received baptism of the Holy Spirit and it was accompanied by the baptism of fire, when cloven tongues of fire appeared amongst them (Acts 2:3 “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them.”). 

It's no secret that after that, they did exploits and performed signs and wonders and their ministry was immensely boosted with Divine power. 

Ask the Lord to baptise you with the fresh fire of the Holy Spirit to destroy your enemies, any demonic attachments, to have your gift and calling purified and to gain speed, momentum and power in your Christian life and ministry. 


Lord, I ask for Your baptism of fire to destroy my enemies, purify my gifting and calling and empower me for Your service. 

For the family

Explain the study in an age-appropriate way then pray together to receive the baptism of the Lord’s fire.