Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
Acts 2: 38

Reading: Acts 2

We introduced the first baptism yesterday. Baptism into Christ, usually represented by baptism in water. 

This baptism is a picture of our identification and union with Jesus in his death and resurrection. The going in, and coming out, of water, happens once – but what it symbolizes is your entire lifetime walk with Christ. You go in – this is the moment at which you are born-again; you come out – this represents the moment at which you will be raised to life in your resurrected body and enter eternity. 

Your baptism into Christ represents something ongoing – an actual shift in your identity, meaning that your life thereafter will be different. Yes, you ARE saved. Nothing can change that if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Cornerstone. But you are also BEING saved. And that requires continual baptism or immersion into Christ. 

It is this baptism that gives you a clear conscience and allows you to approach the Father with confidence! 


Thank You Lord that I could be united with Christ through baptism. 

For the family


Explain the study in an age-appropriate way.