Welcome back to Foundation Stones in a Year and to the second day of 2022. Yesterday, we introduced the notion of you being a prophet, priest and king in this world and of how the 7 foundational truths feed in to that reality.
Today, we will spend some more time unpacking that concept. Prophet, Priest, and King. Those three words have “biblical tonnage tethered to them”, as someone once said. Each communicate the person and work of Christ with succinct theological clarity. This is how the Heidelberg Catechism puts it, in question 31:
Q: Why is he called “Christ”, that is, the anointed?
A: Because he is ordained of God the Father, and anointed with the Holy Ghost, to be our chief Prophet and Teacher, who has fully revealed to us the secret counsel and will of God concerning our redemption; and to be our only High Priest, who by the one sacrifice of his body, has redeemed us, and makes continual intercession with the Father for us; and also to be our eternal King, who governs us by his word and Spirit, and who defends and preserves us in that salvation, he has purchased for us.
It is because Christ is Prophet, Priest and King, that each one of us, in a small way, fulfils the same role in this world. John 20: 21 “Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
What does this mean for us and how are we to be prophets, priests and kings? And how does it all relate to Foundation Stones?
As a priest you are to continually offer up the sacrifice of praise in response to the sufficient and unblemished work of Christ. You are to stand in the gap for your brothers and sisters and for the lost world, praying for them, pastoring them and introducing them to God. You are to help others to put their trust in the finished work of Christ and in this way, lead them onto the path of righteousness.
Christians are to make the good confession of faith, speak the truth of the gospel to one another and outsiders, and continue to be governed by the Word of God. You are to bring truth to the world and listen to God on their behalf.
As we follow Christ we are to strive against those things that are against Christ our King. We are to put sin to death, resist the devil, and look forward to reigning eternally with him. If you run a business, how would you act like a king? You will see to the needs of your employees, you will stand up for them and fight their enemies. You will give instruction and lead.
If you have not reached the level of a king in your Christian life, if you do not have dominion more often than not, you are still living below the proper standard. As a God-ordained prophet and priest, you are also a king to rule over all the enemies of God. God rules, but He does not rule directly. God rules through us, through the believers, as kings.
In all three of these mighty tasks, Foundation Stones is the most powerful Guide and pastoral tool you can use.
How blessed I am to have such tremendous purpose in my life, working under the One true God as a prophet, a priest and a king. Help me to grow in these areas and to learn how to use the 7 foundational truths more powerfully.