Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms..
Hebrews 6: 1, 2

Reading: Hebrews 5: 12 – Hebrews 6: 3

How exciting! Today we begin unpacking and applying the spiritual practice of baptisms. As with every spiritual ordinance, baptisms, correctly understood and practised, are hugely transformative. 

I’m very aware that the King’s Cross teaching and practise of baptisms goes way beyond what most believers understand concerning this topic. And I do believe that this is the primary reason why we see real growth and maturity in our members - beyond what I would call, the average. It is not unusual for a person to enter one of our churches as a newly born-again or a baby Christian and within two or three years, be ably and responsibly running a house church of their own. This is not because we push people or send them prematurely, but because our practice of baptisms readies them adequately. 

Baptisms were put in place by God to achieve a number of purposes, which we are going to look at over the next few days. We’ll begin by seeing how baptism is the fundamental way to become mature. Where the Church regards baptism into water as a way to receive salvation as an infant or as a once-off event indicating that ‘I now belong to Jesus’ – then we lose a great deal of what the original apostles taught and lived. 

As you get ready for your devotional study of baptisms this month, prepare your heart and mind to be open to a change of understanding and of practice. My prayer is that you will be phenomenally blessed and enlightened this month. 


Thank you Lord for instituting baptisms as a way for me to be transformed and matured. Open my understanding this month as I place a special emphasis on baptisms. 

For the family

Read the devotional study and explain in an age-appropriate way. Have some fun ‘baptising’ toys, fruits etc.