“In You, O Lord, I put my trust”
Psalm 31: 1

Reading:  Psalm 31

If you’re a regular follower of Faith Station, then you know that we’ve been working our way through the deep and fundamental truths of Foundation Stones since the beginning of the year. So far, we have examined Christ the Cornerstone, Repentance from Dead Works and Faith. The month of August will be devoted to a beautiful study of identity and baptisms – but what of the two weeks we still have left in July?

I have felt led to revisit a Faith Station that I wrote and distributed in April of 2013, called Stressed Out? It is based on Psalm 31 and it speaks of God’s faithfulness. Our ability to have faith in God, the foundational doctrine that we’ve been looking at the last few months, is based entirely on God’s total faithfulness. So before we move on to baptisms, let’s delve into Psalm 31 together. 

You can begin right now by reading through Psalm 31

Stress is defined as ‘illness of body or mind as a result of the fact that life is difficult.’ Life is difficult, even for Christians. There are times when the difficulties of life accumulate to such an extent that we literally become ill as a result of the prolonged stress. 

David reached such a point at one time in his life. And he wrote Psalm 31 in response. 

No-one knows exactly what the circumstances were that prompted David to write this psalm, or song. What we do know, is that the Holy Spirit inspired its writing and inclusion in the Scriptures for a good reason. This psalm is the prayer of a believer in deep distress and as such, becomes a universal touchpoint for all believers of all time who go through dark and confusing times.  

Have you ever been through such a time – where body, mind, relationships, everything you hold dear just seem to come under attack simultaneously and ongoingly, leaving you feeling like a broken vessel? I recently went through such a time. Eventually I cried out to God for a Scripture that I could hold onto and that could be my guide out of the pit. He directed me to Psalm 31 and I was struck afresh by the almost magical quality of God’s living Word. Truly, in His Word is found an anchor and a guide for every situation we will ever live through.  

I’m very sure that thousands of other believers over the years have found in Psalm 31 a similar refuge and prayer guide in their times of trouble. It is my prayer that as we slowly, prayerfully, unpack this rich and meaningful psalm you too will find the courage and guidance you need for your troubling times.  


Heavenly Father, thank You that You have not left us as orphans. Your Word is a light for our feet in the darkest of hours. Thank You!