READING: Genesis 15: 1–6, Romans 4:18–22
Continuing our discussion on the promises God gave Abram, we arrive at the promise to ‘bless’. This promise of blessing included a promise to make Abram’s name great.
But the promise was not without a condition. In order for the promise to come to pass, it would require something from Abram. Belief. Sounds simple but God’s promise to give Abram a son and as many descendants as the stars in the heavens was made to a man of a hundred and his wife of ninety - besides the fact that we were already told in Genesis 11: 30 that Sarai was barren.
Nevertheless, Abram believed. And his response brought an even greater blessing – the blessing of God’s righteousness, given to Abram as a gift because he believed.
Lord I praise you because you are the only truly righteous one and only you have the authority to declare someone righteous who puts there trust in you. Thank you for making this provision to all who will put there trust in you. I put my trust in you and ask that you will reveal this your greatest gift to me.