Reading: Judges 16:23-31
When I was younger I often referred to God as “the God of second chances.” That’s because my salvation was a great turning point in my life. I realised that I truly had been saved by grace and by nothing that I had done.
As I have grown older and have been humbled by time and circumstance, I have come to realise that God is the God of endless “second chances.” The story of Samson gives me the constant hope that no matter how many times I have let God down He has not given up on me. Even when Samson was grinding the corn like an ox he was regaining his strength. Not because his hair grew but because he had time to reflect on the goodness of God. How many times in our lives have we had to taste the bitter so we could truly enjoy the sweet? Was it necessary, no! I believe that we all have greatness within us, but only God can bring forth the sweet out of the bitter. The key is that we believe the scriptures and have faith in God.
So what is it that faith redeems? It redeems the potential that God placed within us even before time began – faith redeems!
Dear God, remind me of the potential You placed inside of me and then redeemed by the resurrection of Jesus.
For the family
You will find 13 role models in the resource below that you can discuss with your children over this month