Yet in spite of this word you did not believe the LORD your God.
Deuteronomy 1:32   

Reading: Deuteronomy 1:19-33, Hebrews 3:7-19

The Israelites have been wandering around the desert for a while. Some of their older people had died, youngsters had been born to replace them, they ate manna every day and they drank water from a rock. Then Moses said, “Let’s go into the Promised Land through Amorite territory!”

Suddenly they all had stories about why they should not go into the land they had been promised. After their time in the desert one supposes they should have been eager to get out of it. But no they said, God had brought them here to die within sight of their promise. Not only that, they said, the land was inhabited by giants. And there were all these fortified cities that loomed throughout the land. Even the fruit and vegetables the spies had brought them were not enough to sway their pessimism. One supposes that by this time the Israelites would have learned to trust God, to believe that when Moses said to them that God was going to fight with them that they would have believed. They did not have faith in the word of God and so they were condemned to wander around the deserts for forty long years. 

Has there been a promise that God has spoken into your heart that you have doubted. Has God said, “Go!” and you have not believed. Repent quickly, before it is too late and you miss the opportunity that God is giving you. 


Dear God, strengthen my resolve to believe you when you tell me to go.

For the family

You will find 13 role models in the resource below that you can discuss with your children over this month

faith role models