By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God.
Hebrews 11:5   

Reading: Genesis 5:18-24

In these seven verses in Genesis see we how a lifetime of faith in the presence of God is rewarded by Almighty God. In 2 Kings 2:11 we read that Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire after he had served God. 

We do not have much detail about Enoch’s life and so must read between the lines and accept the Word of God that he walked with God. His walk must have been one of faith and obedience to the God who was speaking into his life. With the life of Elijah we have so much detail that we could write a book or two about how normal a man he was. Sure, he did great things in the name of God. But he also failed God in grand style. What is noticeable about Elijah’s life is that he was faithful to the call of God on his life. Elijah was obedient, he listened to the voice of God. Not only did he listen, he actioned. Elijah did what God told him to do. He might have quibbled and discussed but he believed God and that is what was credited to him as righteousness.

Saying that I will walk with God is the easy part. Doing what God tells me to do is the part that challenges us. Is this true for you? I know it is. 


Dear God, Strengthen the obedience in me so that I might walk with you all the days of my life. 

For the family

You will find 13 role models in the resource below that you can discuss with your children over this month

faith role models