Reading: Colossians 3: 1-4
We’ve seen the work, on our behalf, that Jesus accomplished in his resurrection – but what are the current implications for us as Christians? short...he’s alive! We often encourage people to get born-again and develop a relationship with Jesus. This is only possible because he is alive! The New Testament refers to the church as the bride of Christ, the branches of the vine (who is Christ) etc. “All these presuppose a living Christ in whom Christians are, by whom they are indwelt and with whom they form one body.” (New Dictionary of Theology). This is the basis of Paul’s “in Christ” theology, as seen in our Scripture passage for today – “I no longer live but Christ lives in me”. The New Testament emphasises that not only are we in Christ but equally, that he is in us. Jesus promises to be with his people to the end of the age as they go about the task of evangelising the world – obviously only possible because of the resurrection.
The very fact that we can experience or encounter Christ today is because his life did not cease on the cross.
Father, it’s so exciting that I can scarcely take it in. Jesus is alive! He rules and reigns in glory – and I too have been chosen to be part of all this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
For the family
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