Reading: Romans 4: 1 to 5: 5
The significance of Jesus’ resurrection for our lives cannot be underestimated.
Essentially the resurrection of Jesus is God the Father’s endorsement of his Son’s sacrifice and ministry. It’s as if God said “I approve of what you have done and will ratify your substitutionary sacrifice”. By raising Christ from the dead God was saying that he approved of Christ’s work of suffering and dying for our sins; that there was no longer any penalty of sin to pay.
Grasp and accept that today, dear Christian, even if you find it difficult to figure out. Christ made a great sacrifice for you and because of that your sins have been forgiven. And because of that – because you have been justified – you have peace with God. What does peace with God mean for you? It means you have access to all His wisdom, love, power and favour. It also means you have the responsibility of telling others about this grace and of bringing them before the throne of grace in prayer and intercession.
There is really no way to thank you Lord for what you did for me. I can only accept it and live the rest of my life for you.
For the family
You will find the resource below a helpful guide to celebrating Easter with the family