Reading: John 20: 17 - 30; Hebrews 9
It’s time to leave those early, heady days of Jesus’ appearance to his disciples and return to our own time.
In those days, it was sufficient just to know and say that Jesus had come alive again after he had been killed. This completely endorsed his ministry, teachings and claims and the resurrection, together with the coming of the Spirit, seemed to have been sufficiently convincing to fuel the efforts of the apostles. But what is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus for us today? They are many and mighty. One of them lies hidden within our reading for today.
Jesus at first tells Mary not to hold on to him but then later urges Thomas to touch his hands, side and feet. Something obviously happened between his initial resurrection from death and his later appearances to his other disciples – he ascended to the Father. What happened when he did so? The writer to the Hebrews explains it to us. Jesus, as High Priest, first had to offer his sacrifice before the Father. His offering was accepted – a once for all time propitiation before God, bringing the old sacrificial system to an end – and averting God’s wrath from mankind.
There are mysteries Father in Your dealings with us. Thank you for receiving Jesus’ sacrifice on my behalf – now help me to live a life worthy of this great love.
For the family
You will find the resource below a helpful guide to celebrating Easter with the family