So Jacob went to Isaac and kissed him. When Isaac caught the smell of his clothes, he blessed him and said....

Genesis 27:27


Reading: Genesis 27:1-46; Romans 9:6-13; Romans 5:8

The story of the conman Jacob stealing his brother’s blessing through the deception and cunning of his mother Rebekah, has all the makings of a soap opera. This mother and son crime team betrayed old, blind Isaac with a kiss. Does this remind you of something? One of Jesus’s closest friends and disciples also betrayed him with a kiss.

Soap opera aside, this story reveals one of the greatest theological mysteries hidden in the grace of God. This mystery is experienced by everyone of us who is a child of God, but even when we do experience it we still cannot understand it or explain it. The inexplicable and unexplainable is - how could God choose to bless Jacob and give him the same Promise that he gave to Abraham when he was clearly such a scoundrel of a sinner? How could God choose this man over his brother when his brother from the same parents was rejected from receiving the blessing of God?

Those who have not been the recipients of God’s unmerited, undeserved grace tend to point the finger at God, and say “You are not fair.” But if you are someone who has received Gods unmerited grace and favour, you will be too full of humble thankfulness and gratitude to point a finger of accusation at God. Recognise that, like Jacob, you were the worst of sinners, yet God chose to save you because of the depth of His unknowable, inexplicable love.


Praise You Father for choosing me even when I was Your enemy. I pray that this mystery will inspire me to tell others of the wonderful kindness You have shown to me.


Over the next two days, watch

this video about Jacob from Superbook