“I delivered to you what I also received” 
1 Corinthians 15: 5

Reading:  1 Corinthians 15: 1 – 11; Acts 9: 1 - 22

It is these prophecies that make the testimony of the witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection even more poignant. Many of the witnesses had heard the prophecies but, because of unbelief and confusion, had discounted them. Yet, here in front of them, stood indisputable proof.

In our reading for today, Paul reminds the Corinthian believers of what he first shared with them vis a vis the resurrection of Jesus. This too was the message that he, Paul, received and formed part of the Gospel message that he had been preaching for the past 20 years. Paul’s list includes many eye-witnesses of the risen Lord. He even includes himself among the eye-witnesses although his encounter with the risen Lord was slightly different from the others’. In 1 Corinthians and in Acts 9, Paul claims to have seen and spoken with the resurrected Lord – an occurrence so overwhelming that it turned him from a destroyer of the Christian Way and a hater of Jesus... into his most ardent follower. 

Paul never wavered from his testimony concerning the Messiah-ship of Jesus. He sealed it with his blood when he was executed during the reign of Nero (AD54-68).

Surely, a man convinced. Are you?


Thank for Father for preserving the apostolic witness for us today. It means so much to be able to read their witness and learn from their lives and faith. 

For the family

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