Reading: Matthew 28: 1-10; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20
As we continue our study into the resurrection, we see it everywhere we look. For example, at the end of each of the four Gospels.
These accounts each end triumphantly; with the delirious news of the risen Lord. One can sense a ‘holy craziness’ coming over the disciples as they gasp in shocked amazement at the Lord, tentatively reach out and touch the wounds in his hands, his feet, eat breakfast with him, fall down and worship – and eventually walk and talk with him in the most natural way. During this time, Jesus continues to teach his followers and instructs them to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
It is these two events – the encounter with the resurrected Christ and the receiving of the Holy Spirit - that turned these somewhat timid, infinitely ordinary businessmen and fishermen into mighty earth-shaking apostles. And it is these two events that will do the same for us.
Father, I don’t want to be an ‘ordinary’ Christian, indistinguishable from the world. I want to be as on fire and committed as those early believers were. Grant me therefore, I pray, a fresh infilling of your Spirit and a revelation of the risen Christ.
For the family
You will find the resource below a helpful guide to celebrating Easter with the family