Reading: Romans 6;Isaiah 53;1 John 2: 1,2
This brings us to the point I raised at the very start of our April devotions – the fact that you and I are also part of The Easter Cast.
The death that Jesus died on the cross was a vicarious one; that is, he was a substitute for you and I. He did not die because of his own crimes for he had not committed any; no, he carried my crimes and yours to the cross and bore the punishment on our behalf.
The Easter story is a touching one but its true significance lies in what was accomplished for you and I.
Father, it’s incredible but it’s true. You took all my sin and shame and placed it on Jesus. He has taken Your full wrath upon himself. All I have to do now is receive his sacrifice on my behalf; accept Your clemency, Your pardon – and I do.
For the family
During this month, watch Season 1 of The Chosen together