Reading: 2 Kings 22:1-20
After King Hezekiah there were two evil kings; Manasseh and Amon. They served idols and did evil in the sight of the LORD. In fact, they were so evil that the LORD planned Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians during the reign of Manasseh. Amon followed in his father’s footsteps doing evil and provoking the LORD to anger.
Today's reading looks at King Josiah. Although he was a godly king who 'rediscovered' God's Law and repented before the LORD, it was a case of too little, too late. It was actually Hilkiah the priest who found the book of the Law (the Torah). Shaphan read it before the King. I have always remembered Josiah as the king who rediscovered the Torah, but had never considered Hilkiah and Shaphan as the necessary links in the chain of discovery. It is an encouragement to me that when smaller players do their part faithfully, it can lead to great end results.
The LORD spared Josiah from a Babylonian invasion during his reign because he humbled himself before the LORD and showed the fear of the LORD and reverence for His word. The invasion of the Babylonians and the destruction of Jerusalem was getting nearer now. The arrival of the Christ and Son of David was also approaching, but this would only take place after a period of exile in Babylon.
Dear Father, give us the same humble heart that Josiah had before You and the same reverence for Your word. May our hearts be made soft by Your word. Thank You for the grace and mercy that You show us each day.
For the family
Over the next few days, watch this video about
The Exile
Stop and discuss the theme together as a family.