“instruction about baptisms.”
Hebrews 6: 2

Reading: Exodus 19; Hebrews 6

How can we be so sure that baptism has to do with identity and, more specifically, change of identity? The answer lies in the way it is introduced to us in Scripture, as we’ve already seen. 

Many scholars translate the Hebrews 6: 2 scripture that is our main reading for today as ‘washings’ and not ‘baptisms’. These translators understand that the writer to the Hebrews was referring to a number of ceremonial washings that were practiced in the Old Testament that served to indicate that the person undergoing the washings had been transformed from one status to another. These washings were demonstrations of faith in God’s commands that showed that they believed that their identity had changed. The washings either put them into a different position, or released them to a different calling for their lives.  

This is clearly demonstrated in Exodus 19, our other reading for today, where God consecrated the whole nation at Mount Sinai by having them wash their clothes. This was as a precursor to their meeting with God and being presented as a nation of priests, wholly consecrated to God. So they moved from one state - a people separated from God – to the next state – a people consecrated as priests to God. 

Believe it or not, we discovered the true meaning of the word ‘baptido’ when we discovered an ancient pickle recipe. Pickles are a great picture of baptism – when the vegetable goes in to the pickling liquid, it does not remain the same. It is fundamentally altered. 


Lord, I begin to see that my entire nature will be changed as I remain immersed in Christ and the 4 baptisms that relate to Him. 

For the family

Explain the study in an age-appropriate way then prepare some snacks using pickles. Explain how the vegetable changed its nature after being in the pickling liquid for a while.