Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the whole land
Deuteronomy 34: 1

Reading: Deuteronomy 34

The last day of our Wilderness studies rightly belongs to Moses, don’t you think? This man was given an impossible task – and he did it. But now he must hand over the reins. 

Deuteronomy 34 is a poignant read. Here Moses stands, arguably the greatest leader, ever, of God’s people, on the cusp of the promised land – but he can’t go in. The people are allowed a short time to remember him, to honour him, to mourn him – for he dies at this place – but then, they must move on. 

How many times haven’t I experienced this in the Lord. I’m happy, I’m comfortable, I have friends, I have promises – and then, I must move on. 

Even if you must leave everyone behind you, you must move on with God when He tells you to. The people, who had initially rejected Moses, had grown increasingly trusting of him and were uncertain of how to proceed. But then they were told – Moses is dead, but the promises of God live on.

Now, finally, they could see that it had not been Moses leading them all along – but the Lord Himself. 

We will pick up the story tomorrow – and begin a fascinating study on the theme of land in the Bible – but for now, let’s join God’s people in thanking Him for the example and the courage and the self-sacrificing faith of His servant, Moses. 


Thank You for Your servant Moses, Father

For the family

Organise a movie night, and watch these two episodes of Superbook together – all about Moses. 

episode 1

episode 2