Reading: Proverbs 4: 23; John 10: 28; 2 Corinthians 4: 17; 1 John 1: 1-4
Here is a wonderful truth you can build your entire life on: you can hide in the Presence of God, no matter where you are, no matter who you are with. So, above all other things, seek the Presence of God.
Forget about wealth, about lovely homes, about holidays, about possessions, about self-actualisation – I’m sure you’ve discovered in your trial of great distress that these things are utterly, utterly meaningless and can add zero, nada, nothing to your life. But the Presence of God is a pavilion of refuge, an amazing place of joy, peace and safety in the midst of life’s difficulties.
Is this not the peace that passes understanding that Jesus spoke of? Peace, not as the world understands, in other words, no problems – but peace at all times, in every situation. The apostle John speaks of his fellowship being with his fellow believers, the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. And, of course, it is the indwelling Holy Spirit who mediates this fellowship. This fellowship, this experiencing of the Presence of the Lord, is the most valuable thing in the whole world. It is the treasure in the field, the pearl of great price.
Press in to God to enjoy this fellowship that John speaks of. Give him your undivided loyalty, trust, obedience and love and you will soon find that you too will begin to partake of this fellowship – and it will become a hiding place for you.
Nevertheless. Despite what you are feeling, thinking, going through right now, know this... you are not cut off from God. He is with you in and through this situation and you yourself will testify of that one day. As the Psalmist later found out nevertheless You heard the voice of my supplications when I cried out to You.
Sometimes we have to try and take the long view and realise that what we are going through now, we will not always be experiencing. Of course, there is a wonderful new life to come where we will spend eternity with Jesus in a perfect, sinless place. But even here and now, in this earthly life, circumstances change. In fact, change, they say, is the one great certainty of life, along with taxes. But when we are going a great distress, part of the trail seems to be that we cannot hear or see God. His voice that would comfort us, seems silent, the situation seems to go on and on remorselessly. And then we say ‘God has left me’ or ‘I am cut off from God’. But do not fear, that is not the truth. Jesus said ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you...I am with you always.’
If, in this time of trial, you cannot see, feel or hear God, go instead to the written Word, a sure lamp for your feet in a dark place and find those Scriptures that re-assure you that God is faithful. And tell yourself these things to encourage your soul.
This is what I want Lord, more than anything – a place of fellowship with you and with the Father. I ask for this. Lead me and guide me to your Presence.
Lord, Your Word says that you love me, that I am Your child, that You will never leave me or forsake me, that You are with me always, that Your Spirit has made His home within me. Whether I now feel it or not, You have heard the voice of my supplication as I have cried out to You. Thank You.