READING: Genesis 15: 5, Genesis 22: 17
What makes a great nation in God’s eyes? It cannot be a geographical location or a common language or culture; or some great nationalistic achievement – for all of these we saw in play at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11).
No, a great nation is formed from people that God chooses and who respond to His offer of salvation with faith. It is these people that God turns into His nation. The father and leader of this nation is someone who puts his trust in the promise of God and acts as the example to all those who wish to be part of the people of God (Romans 4: 11-18).
There is such a nation and we are all part of it. It is a great nation that transcends culture, language and geography. It is a nation that God said He would make and that would number so many that it would be like “the stars in the heavens and the sand on the seashore”. It is from this place of faith in the wonderful provision of God, the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, that we all find our sense of belonging in the one family of God. The Church, it has been said, is the biggest people group on the planet (Ephesians 3: 3, 1-6).
Thank you my Lord for choosing me to be part of your people. Thank you for all my brothers and sisters from all races and cultures all over this country and the world. Thank you that I can celebrate our diversity yet enjoy the unity that we have through faith in Christ Jesus.