Reading: Habakkuk 2:2-4, Romans 1:16-17, Galatians 3:10-14
It was 1994, a cold winter evening at the Bible training centre. The lecture was, ‘The epistle to the Romans’. During the lecture an African, Norman Tigabye, from the Ivory Coast, quoted Romans 1:16 - 17 with fervour. It impacted my life as a truth that was set in concrete. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ …and… the just shall live by faith.”
The memories kaleidoscope of the number of times I have been challenged by these two verses from Romans. I was surprised to discover that these words were also written by the prophet Habakkuk. It amazed me that this prophet who lived 600 years before Christ had insight into this spiritual truth. As I have spent time studying with Kings Cross I have been taught, and have learned, that the Old Testament is a worthy precursor to the New Testament. Writing this devotional has also been an experience of the gentle revelation and challenge of the Holy Spirit as I have had to face my own challenges with regard to faith. I have had to confront pet beliefs and misunderstandings, all of which have strengthened my resolve to live more fully Mark 1:1 “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”
I leave you with these thoughts, live in every moment because tomorrow will take care of itself, pray generationally for your children and your children’s children and love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself.
Dearest Father God, bless those who have read and studied your Word through this devotional. May the seeds sown reap an exponential harvest, in Jesus’ name.
For the family
You will find 13 role models in the resource below that you can discuss with your children over this month