“Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”
Luke 17:19   

Reading: Luke 17:11-19; Matthew 8:1-4 

The ten lepers met Jesus hoping that he would be able to do something for them. Their cry for help was a subdued entreaty based on what they had been told about him. What did they think he was going to say in response to their cry?

They must have hesitated when he said “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” It took a few moments for them to realise that ‘The Law’ required them to present themselves to the priests for verification that they had been cleansed of leprosy. They immediately turned and left. One of the lepers who was experiencing the cleansing as he was going, stopped suddenly. In mid stride his joy at the miracle overwhelms him, he turns and goes back to Jesus. The leper falls to the ground and thanks Jesus for this incredible change. Not only is his body healed, but he is released from the unclean lifestyle he has been forced to live as a leper. He is free to go home to his family and friends. Oh the joy he must have felt. The real miracle was this; “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”

Are you rejoicing because of your healing or because you have been made well? Faith has its own reward when thanks is given for the fruit that we experience.


Dear God, Thank you for making me well. 

For the family

You will find 13 role models in the resource below that you can discuss with your children over this month

faith role models