Reading: 1 Corinthians 6: 14; 1 Corinthians 15: 19 – 22, 30 – 32; 2 Corinthians 4: 14
We spoke about death earlier in the month – how it was not part of God’s original plan for man... but came as a result of sin.
One of the most glorious things associated with the resurrection of that it assures us of our eventual resurrection. As Paul puts it (my paraphrase)..if we think Christianity is only about giving us a better life here, then we are going to be badly and sadly disappointed. Jesus actually asks us to share in his sufferings in this life so that we can share in his glory in the next. No, Paul says, if we don’t include the resurrection in our theology, then we have no theology at all. Whatever we may’s not Christianity. The faith of the apostles teaches that all those who are in Christ will be raised again, with new, glorified bodies just like the risen Jesus’ body, and will go on to inherit eternal life. A faith that ends in death and oblivion is not what Paul or any of the other apostles preached.
The resurrection of Christ is the pledge of the bodily resurrection of believers – of you and me. You too will one day bear the image of the heavenly man. This is the hope that is held out for us in the Gospel.
Father, thank you for the glorious hope held out in the Gospel. Send someone across my path today, and every day, who needs to hear of this hope.
For the family
You will find the resource below a helpful guide to celebrating Easter with the family