On the second Sunday in Advent, gather together with your family to light the second candle. This is the candle, and the week, of faith and it’s the week in which we remember the astounding faith of Mary and Joseph. We may find ourselves too comfortable and familiar with their story that we forget just how courageous their faith was, to believe and act on what God said. God is a God who makes promises and we can rest in the assurance that God keeps those promises. We know that faith is the first step of preparation. Jesus has come once, and he is coming again.

Explain: Explain that the second week of Advent is the week of faith and that during this week, we remember that if we are willing to partner with God through faith, He can do great things on the Earth. 

Tell: Tell the story of how Mary and Joseph heard from God and had to choose to believe and act in faith. 

Read Matthew 1: 18-2: 23 and Luke 1: 5-56

The story of Mary and Joseph is incredible. These faith these two displayed is inspiring and should cause us to pause and reflect. 

Mary had her life planned out. She was young, about to be married and a virgin. She’s done all the right, God-fearing things and she knows what to expect in return. Instead, a curve-ball. An angel shows up and tells her she’s going to fall pregnant with God in the flesh, even though she’s never been with a man. Mary was greatly troubled. Imagine being in Mary’s shoes! She must have been very scared. Who will believe me? Imagine telling my parents? The village? Joseph?! Nevertheless, she submits to the will of God. When Joseph heard the news, of course he didn’t believe how it all happened but instead decided to break off their engagement. Then an angel visited him too – and he decided to work with God and marry Mary.

God asked an incredibly hard thing of both Mary and Joseph and they responded in self-sacrificing faith. The result? The Saviour of the world was born. 

Other readings: Luke 3 and Micah 5

End with a time of prayer.